List of active policies

Name Type User consent
College of Integrated Chinese Medicine Data Protection Policy Other policy Authenticated users
CICM – ENROLMENT AGREEMENT Other policy Authenticated users
PRIVACY NOTICE Site policy All users
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy Site policy All users



 1.1 The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as a Data Controller (Registration Number: Z8468925). As such CICM is responsible for the collection and maintenance of the personal data of its stakeholders, including students, staff and patients, in line with current data protection legislation.

Full policy

 1.2 Such legislation includes the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (GDPR) 

1.3 CICM takes the protection of all personal data extremely seriously and is fully committed to protect of the rights and freedoms of all individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data in compliance with this legislation.

 1.4 The aim of this policy is to inform stakeholders of CICM involved in processing personal data with their responsibilities under the DPA 2018 and GDPR and to set out the standards expected by CICM in relation to processing personal data and safeguarding the personal data and rights of individuals.


 2.1 CICM’s Data Protection Policy applies to all students and staff of CICM. Any breach of the policy may result in CICM, as the registered Data Controller, being liable in law for the consequences of the breach. Legal liability may also extend to the individual processing the data and their line managers under certain circumstances. In addition, breach of CICM’s Data Protection Policy by staff or students will be considered a disciplinary offence and will be dealt with according to CICM’s relevant disciplinary procedures. 

2.2 Any member of staff or student who considers that the policy has not been followed with respect to personal data about themselves should raise the matter with the Management Committee.

 2.3 This policy applies to all personal data, including sensitive personal data, for which CICM is responsible in whatever format it is (e.g. paper or electronic data, including databases, emails, photographs, video, CCTV and sound recordings).

 2.4 Outside agencies and individuals who work with CICM, and who have access to personal information for which CICM is responsible, will be expected to comply with this policy and with the above data protection legislation. 


3.1 The DPA 2018 implements the UK government's manifesto commitment to update the UK’s data protection laws to make them fit for purpose for the digital age. It also sets new standards for protecting general data in accordance with the GDPR whilst exercising a numberof agreed modifications (derogations) to the GDPR to make it work for the benefit of the UK. In summary the DPA 2018: 

  • Makes our data protection laws fit for the digital age in which an ever-increasing amount of data is being processed.
  • Empowers people to take control of their data.
  • Supports UK businesses and organisations through the change.
  • Ensures that the UK is prepared for the future after the UK has left the EU.


 3.2 The GDPR is a regulation of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. Its main intent is to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).

3.3 The GDPR has direct effect across all EU member states meaning that CICM must comply with the GDPR for most legal obligations subject to the provisions detailed in the DPA 2018. The GDPR and DPA 2018 must therefore be read side by side. C) COMPLYING WITH DATA PROTECTION LAW

3.4 The GDPR sets out seven key principals which CICM shall comply with: 

a) Lawfulness, fairness and transparency; personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently in relation to individuals.

b) Purpose limitation; personal data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.

c) Data minimisation; personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed. d) Accuracy; personal data shall be accurate and kept up to date and that every reasonable step must be taken to rectify or erase inaccurate data without delay having regard to the purposes for which they are processed.

e) Storage limitation; personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals.

f) Integrity and confidentiality (security); personal data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.

g) Accountability; the data controller shall be responsible for, and be able to, demonstrate compliance with the GDPR. 

3.5 In addition, CICM shall respect the rights of individuals regarding their personal data in accordance with the GDPR which include:

 a) The right to be informed (about the collection and use of their personal data including our purposes for processing their personal data, retention periods for that personal data and who it will be shared with).

b) The right of access to their person data (i.e. through a Subject Access Request).

c) The right to rectification (to have personal data rectified or completed if it is incomplete). d) The right to erasure (or the right “to be forgotten” subject to exemptions specified in the GDPR).

e) The right to restrict processing (to store the personal data but not use it).

 f) The right to data portability (to allow individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services in a safe and secure way, without affecting its usability).

g) The right to object (to the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances). h) Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling (with no human involvement).



4.1 Under the DPA 2018 and GDPR personal data means data which relate to a living individual who can be identified:

a) from those data, or b) from those data and other information (i.e. an identifier) which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, the data controller, and includes any expression of opinion about the individual and any indication of the intentions of the data controller or any other person in respect of the individual.

4.2 Personal data may include the following information:

  • Name 
  • Identification number
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address 
  • Other personal identifiers such as locations data or online identifier


 4.3 Sensitive personal data (also referred to as “special category data” under the GDPR) is data that is more sensitive and therefore needs greater protection. 

4.4 Sensitive personal data may include information about an individual’s:

  • Race or ethnic origin
  •  Political opinion 
  • Religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature 
  • Trade union membership (within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992) 
  • Physical or mental health or condition 
  • Sexual life or sexual orientation
  • Commission or alleged commission of any offence
  • Proceedings for any offence committed or alleged to have been committed by him, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of any court in such proceedings
  • Genetics data 
  • Biometric data (where used for identification purposes). 


5.1 To comply with the DPA 2018 and the GDPR CICM shall use a “privacy by design” approach when it develops any new projects or reviews current projects to consider any impacts on individuals’ privacy appropriately and consistently.


6.1 CICM is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Data Controller (Registration Number: Z8468925) in line with the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018. 


7.1 CICM’s Management Committee has oversight of planning and policy development in relating to information compliance, including data protection.

7.2 The Joint Principal is the first point of contact for:

  • Queries regarding compliance with CICM Data Protection Policy and current data protection and freedom of information legislation
  • Advice to CICM staff regarding data protection compliance
  • Subject access requests
  • Liaising with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), including preparation and submission of CICM’s annual data controller registration.

7.3 Programme leaders and line managers are responsible for ensuring that the processing of personal data in their area of responsibility conforms to the requirements of the DPA 2018, GDPR and this policy. In particular they should ensure that new and existing staff who are likely to process personal data are aware of their responsibilities regarding this. This includes ensuring that staff are aware of the requirements of this policy are provided with adequate training and that they shall actively promote data legislation compliance to their staff.

7.4 Programme leaders and line managers should also ensure that correct information and records management procedures are followed in their areas of responsibility, including compliance with CICM’s Records keeping and communication.

7.5 When processing personal data, CICM staff must ensure that they abide by the DPA 2018 and GDPR, this policy and any related policies. Staff who are uncertain as to whether their processing of personal data meets these requirements should refer any queries to the Joint Principal in the first instance.

7.6 Staff are required to allow CICM to process their personal data.

7.7 Staff are responsible for ensuring that the personal data CICM holds about them is accurate and up-to-date by informing CICM of any changes or errors when they occur. 7.8 Staff who process personal data in connection with their CICM employment are permitted to do so under CICM’s ICO registration. Staff must inform the Joint Principal if any registered processing ceases or if they wish to process new data or existing data for a new purpose.

7.9 All staff who use personal data are expected to: 

  • Familiarise themselves with and abide by the above DPA 2018 and GDPR principles
  • Familiarise themselves with and abide by this Data Protection Policy 
  • Understand what is meant by “sensitive personal data” and know how to handle such data 
  • Contact the Joint Principal if in any doubt about how to handle personal data
  •  Undertake appropriate Data Protection training provided by CICM as specified by their line manager.

 7.10 Where academic researchers wish to process any personal data, they must carefully consider the data protection implications of the use of personal data in research before undertaking the research.

7.11 CICM is not responsible for any processing of personal data by staff which is not related to their employment with CICM, even if the processing is carried out using CICM equipment and facilities.


7.12 Students are required to allow CICM to process their personal data.

 7.13 Students also agree to allow CICM to process their personal data as outlined in the Student Contract.

 7.14 In respect of complying with data protection legislation students are required to agree to comply with:

  •  Data Protection Policy
  •  Freedom of Information Policy

7.15 Students are also responsible for ensuring that the personal data CICM holds about them is accurate and up-to-date and must inform CICM of any changes or errors as soon as they occur by emailing

7.16 Where a student wishes to process personal data as part of their research project the student’s supervisor must ensure that CICM’s data protection obligations can be met before the student’s choice of project is approved.


8.1 Where a third party such as an agent, consultant or contractor is employed to process personal data on behalf of CICM (e.g. a mailing agency undertaking a mailshot or an independent research marketing company undertaking market research) which involves the processing of personal data, CICM remains the data controller of that data.

8.2 CICM staff involved in the employment of an agent, consultant or contractor must ensure that there is a written undertaking stating the requirements for data protection compliance by agents, consultants or contractors processing personal data on behalf of CICM.


This Agreement has been drawn up in order to make explicit the various terms, conditions and policies affecting a student and the responsibilities of the College in respect of the Licentiate course. When signed by both the student and the Dean or Registrar, it becomes mutually binding and effective for both parties. Please, therefore, read carefully before signing. If you have any queries please contact the Registrar. 

Full policy

1) Awarding Bodies

 The Lic Ac certificate is awarded by the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine upon successful fulfilment of all Requirements for Graduation as stated in this agreement. The Bachelor of Science Honours Degree is awarded by University College of Osteopathy upon successful fulfilment of all Requirements for Graduation as stated in this agreement.

2) Attendance

 Full attendance is expected for each teaching session. Absence is sometimes unavoidable but if it exceeds 20% it may be necessary for the student to leave her/his group and repeat a minimum of 6 months of that year. For clinical hours 100% attendance is a requirement. If any sessions are missed a replacement session of equal length must be attended. If a student chooses to suspend her/his studies temporarily, the College cannot guarantee that a place will be available at the time she/he wishes to resume. When studies are resumed, it may be necessary to repeat part of the course and this may include examinations and coursework. Fees applying to the group joined will be payable. There will also be an administration fee. Responsibility for attending class punctually and regularly rests solely with the student. Persistent lateness may result in the student having to repeat part of the course. Full participation for the whole session is important especially given the practical nature of many of the classes.

3) Fees

 Students are required to pay their course fees in line with the payment options which are sent out with their invoice before the start of each academic year. Students may not continue onto their next year of study if there are any fees outstanding at the end of their current year. Furthermore, in the Third & Clinical Year, all fees must be paid by the due date shown in order for them to receive their Permission to Practice at the appropriate time. If a student takes a break from their studies, the fees payable on their return will be those appropriate to the class with which the student will now be studying. In addition, an administration fee of £50 will also be charged unless the student has mitigating circumstances. Where a student has enrolled on the basis of funding from a Third Party, e.g. a student loan or Career Development loan, in the event that payment is not received from the Third Party within the expected timeframes the payment of fees will become the student’s responsibility.

4) Refund Policy

 Registration fees and deposits are non-refundable unless the student is not accepted on the course. If for any reason a student withdraws from the course, course fees paid in advance are refundable on a prorata basis as detailed in the College Refund Policy.

5) Course Structure

 It is the aim of the College to maintain a high standard of training and the College is constantly striving to improve the quality and structure of its course. For this reason, the College reserves the right to amend its teaching methods and curriculum as necessary.

 6) Personal Data

 including Address, Telephone Number and Email For administrative purposes students are required to provide the College with a current contact address, telephone number and email address and to inform the Registrar or Office Manager of any changes. Upon enrolment, the College will provide you with an email address, which will be used as the sole email address for all correspondence for the duration of your studies at CICM. It is a requirement that all students access these email facilities frequently. Outside of the time that you are an enrolled student at the college, your personal email address will be used for correspondence regarding College administration only, no marketing materials will be sent to personal email addresses unless you have opted in to receive these in writing or via our website. All required personal information collected throughout the enrolment and studying process are stored on a secure, password and firewall protected computer database, which is registered under the Data Protection Act and with the ICO in accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 requirements. Please see the CICM Student Privacy Policy on our website for more details on the collection, management, storage, usage and deletion of personal data.

7) Exemption Policy

 There are no exemptions but modules completed at a BAAB accredited acupuncture College will be considered for APL.

8) Dress and Behaviour

Students are expected to dress in a manner consistent with the professional image of the College. Students are not allowed to attend classes or the clinic under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs.

9) Transferring Groups

 Changing from one group to another after enrolling is possible provided that space is available in another group. The fee for the new class will be applied. Applications to change groups should be made in writing to the Dean and will incur an administration fee of £50. Students will pay the fees at the rate of the new class. Students must complete their degree within five years of commencing the course. In exceptional circumstances students may gain exemption on medical grounds.

10) Assessment

All examinations and assessments must be passed in accordance with the Programme specification and University College of Osteopathy regulations before the student can enter the following year of the course. If a student fails, the re-sit of a 'must pass' exam they are not eligible to complete the year. If they are receiving a loan from the Student Loan Company, the College will notify the Student Loan Company that they are no longer a student at the College. Students will be given dates for the submission of all coursework at the beginning of each year of the course. All coursework must be submitted by the due date and responsibility for submitting the work rests solely with the student. A student is only eligible to sit the end of year theory and practical exams if they are fully up-to-date with their fees and if all coursework has been submitted on time. If the student’s coursework does not meet the required standard, she/he may have to repeat the work and persistent failure to meet the required standard may result in the student having to repeat part of the course or be dismissed from the College.

Re-sits and Deferrals at all Levels

If a student fails a ‘must pass’ assessment or a module, he/she may be offered the opportunity to re-sit. If the re-sit is passed the student may continue to progress through the course with his/her year group. If the student fails, the re-sit he/she will have the opportunity to defer and do one first take and one re-sit with the following group. Further information on resits, withdrawals and mitigating circumstances is available in the Student Handbook. Academic Misconduct All coursework must be the student’s own work. If any student is found to have engaged in plagiarism or cheated in any assessment she/he will be subject to the College’s procedure on cheating in assessment.

11) Treating Patients

 For the well-being of all patients, the College and students, treatment of any person outside of the College with acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping or tuina before receiving a Licentiate certificate from the College is forbidden and will be regarded as a very serious offence. This includes the student treating her or himself for any reason. If you already practise some form of acupuncture or moxibustion, including ear acupuncture, you must obtain permission to continue practising from the Dean. You need to be covered by Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance and be bound by a Code of Ethics. When practicing needle technique at home it is your responsibility to dispose of the needles safely in a sharps box. It is also important that students do not lead another person to believe that they are qualified in the field that they are studying while they are on the course and that they do not give a diagnosis or treatment or advice without supervision. All students are required to fill in a Fitness to Practice form each year they are attending the course and inform us of any changes immediately.

12) Practical classes

 As part of the development of acupuncture point location skills, students are expected to mark on their classmates and have marked on themselves, acupuncture points, which are located all over the body and on the head. Students will therefore be required to palpate and receive palpation from both male and female students and members of staff. Appropriate disrobing will therefore be necessary in the classroom. In some subjects, participation involves the practice of specific techniques such as needling, moxibustion, Tui Na and cupping. It is important that you notify your teacher (including qigong teachers) if there are any major conditions affecting your health, including pregnancy, or any reason why you feel it would not be appropriate for you to participate in a particular session e.g some techniques might not be appropriate if you are pregnant or have a cold. Students will also be required to take out appropriate insurance or sign a disclaimer to protect themselves when practising practical techniques outside the College.

13) Confidentiality Students must observe confidentiality with regard to information available to them whether divulged by other classmates, staff or patients. This is an essential attribute of a healthcare practitioner and in the classroom this allows learning and exploration in a safe environment. Confidential information should not be disclosed outside the teaching environment, even to friends or relatives, without the patient’s written consent.

14) Future Employment and Registration

Acceptance onto the programme does not constitute a promise of employment or certification. Students should be aware that acceptance onto the programme and award by the College of the Lic Ac certificate does not guarantee your eligibility for registration with the British Acupuncture Council or any successor regulator. The regulation of the profession is currently under review and students will need to keep themselves informed of the latest proposals. If it is clear to us from the data you provide in the Declaration on Criminal Records and Fitness to Study and Practise that you would not meet the British Acupuncture Council's current criteria for registration, we will use our reasonable endeavours to draw this to your attention prior to you commencing the course. [In this event and provided that you act promptly and in any event prior to the commencement of the course, you may cancel your enrolment with the College and we will refund any fees you have already paid.] However, the College accepts no liability in respect of a student's eligibility for registration with the British Acupuncture Council or any successor regulator, whether such ineligibility relates to data provided in the Declaration or otherwise.

15) Complaints Procedure

Informal complaints can be taken up with a member of staff. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction you should write to the Dean giving details. The College’s grievance procedure is in the Student Handbook.

16) Appeals Procedure

 Students may make appeals in the first instance to the Academic Director if they feel that an incorrect procedure has been followed in the context of assessment (coursework and examinations). Following that, any appeals against incorrect procedure in the conduct of an assessment must be made to University College of Osteopathy in accordance with the procedure laid down in University College of Osteopathy’s Student Appeals Process for Taught Programmes. 

17) Equal Opportunities

The College is committed to the development of anti-discriminatory practice towards any individual or group of people. To this end the College will endeavour to provide a learning and working environment in which each individual has an equal opportunity to realise her or his full potential. All students are expected to share this commitment and to develop their knowledge, skills and self-awareness in this area. This requires that students are respectful of others, being willing to consider their beliefs and opinions and that students are willing to treat others with civility, courtesy and dignity. A respectful attitude is an essential attribute of a healthcare professional and this may require practice e.g. taking time to consider another’s opinion before expressing your own. It is important that students are able to work with the diversity of the student group irrespective of age, body shape, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins etc.

 18) Computer Use

 Students using internet access at the College are forbidden to make illegal downloads, access pornographic sites or use it for any illegal purposes. Students doing so will be liable to disciplinary action.

19) Photographs

 Photographs of classes and college activities may be taken at times. The student agrees that these may be used for promotional and teaching purposes by the college without requiring any further waiver. You have the right to opt out of being photographed or having your photograph used at any time by contacting the Registrar.

 20) College Policies and Procedures

 Students must agree to abide by all College and University College of Osteopathy Policies and procedures.

 21) Our Liability to you

This section sets out and limits the legal liability of CICM or its officers, employees or agents to you.

 CICM is responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by it failing to carry out its obligations under these Terms & Conditions to a reasonable standard or breaching any relevant duties that are owed to you by law, unless that loss is attributable to your own fault or the fault of a third party.

 Nothing in this section limits liability arising from:

 a) Death or personal injury caused by the negligence of CICM or its officers, employees or agents; or 

b) Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation 

CICM and its officers, employees and agents shall not be liable and expressly exclude liability to the fullest extent allowed by law for:

 a) Damage to, theft and/or loss of your property (including but not limited to personal possessions, your own IT equipment, bicycles or vehicles) unless caused by the negligence of CICM or its officers, employees or agents

 b) Non-return of work submitted for assessment

c) Loss attributable to a breach of any procedural requirement detailed in these Terms & Conditions, or any other policy, procedure or regulation, if such loss would have arisen had the procedural requirement been met

d) Death or personal injury that is not caused by the negligence of CICM or its officers, employees or agents

e) Indirect or consequential loss, loss of opportunity and loss of income or profit, however arising. Any liability of CICM in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation or any other liability, however arising, is limited to the greater of the value of the Tuition Fees and Additional Costs paid by you or on your behalf or the amount, if any, that CICM receives from its insurers in respect of that particular loss.

 CICM will not be in breach of these Terms & Conditions or liable to you for any loss and/or damage arising from delay in performing or failing to perform its obligations under these Terms & Conditions if such delay or failure results from matters outside CICM’s control which could not have been foreseen or prevented even if CICM had taken reasonable care.

Matters outside CICM’s control include but are not limited to:

  • strikes and industrial action
  • the unanticipated departure or absence of key members of staff • power failure • severe weather
  •  natural disaster 
  • epidemic or pandemic
  • fire
  • war, civil disorder or unrest
  • riot
  • terrorist attack or the threat of one
  • restrictions imposed by the government or public authorities

In such circumstances CICM will use all reasonable endeavours to minimise any disruption by, for example, offering affected students the chance to move to another programme or provider, or by delivering a modified version of the same Programme, but it reserves the right to cancel, delay or change part or all of your Programme and its obligations set out in these Terms & Conditions.

22) Requirements for Graduation

Requirements for the Degree and Licentiate in Acupuncture certificate being issued are that the student has completed the weekly clinical practice of the third year and has:

 a) Obtained insurance for Public Liability and Professional Indemnity

 b) Provided evidence of the relevant Local Authority registration

 c) Demonstrated satisfactory clinical competence with respect to diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment skills, sensitivity to patients and patient management

 d) Carried out the minimum number of treatments under supervision and observation of treatments

 e) Completed and handed in all coursework assignments on time and passed all examinations.

 f) Paid all tuition and other fees in full

 g) Completed any special requirements specified by clinical supervisors.

I have received a copy, read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement as signified below. I understand my overall health to be good.

 This entire agreement, signed by the applicant, should be sent to College when an offer of a place on the Licentiate course has been received. The agreement will then be countersigned and a photocopy returned to you.

The College agrees:

• To provide good quality classroom teaching and clinical supervision in accordance with the curriculum in the College prospectus.

• To provide appropriate facilities.

• To make assessment and examination standards clear and to provide the student with feedback so that unsatisfactory performance which would indicate a failure to graduate or pass from year 1 to year 2 or year 2 to year 3 may be improved.

• Not to change course content unless it improves the training and the student competence.

• To give any student who has been suspended the right to a hearing to discuss/clarify the reasons for suspension and what is required for re-admission.

 • To abide by the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. Please see the CICM Student Privacy Policy on our website for more details. All personal data and information that you provide to us will be processed in accordance with GDPR and will only be used for the purposes of your application and undertaking studies at our college.

On behalf of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine the above student is accepted for the Degree and Licentiate in Acupuncture course. The College agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.



This notice is to explain why we collect your personal data, and what we do with it, and to ensure that we are working in accordance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); terms from the regulation are indicated in bold.

Full policy

This notice is to explain why we collect your personal data, and what we do with it, and to ensure that we are working in accordance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); terms from the regulation are indicated in bold. 

The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, is a non-profit company, registration number 2868027.

When you supply your personal details to us, communicate by email, and when we receive your written submissions, this information is stored and processed in line with the GDPR requirements: 

Personal Data 

We keep your interview record sheet and all accompanying attachments and notes in your personal file.

We keep your completed application form for the purposes of contacting you, or your next of kin, as required. Your contact details will remain on our database so that we can keep you updated of upcoming Continued Professional Development courses, job opportunities and other pertinent information.

We keep details of your contact information and your CPD record (where known) so as to be able to recommend CICM graduates to potential clients who may ask. After graduation, you have the right to have your details removed, please contact if you would like to be removing from our mailing list.

In line with University College of Osteopathy policies, some data may be sent to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), Government Departments (including the UKVI), Funding Councils,, partner institutions and similar organisations. We will not pass or sell your personal data to any third party for the purposes of advertising.

Sensitive Data 

Sensitive data is a sub-category of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs. Examples of special category data we may hold about you include any personal requirements that you may have around lectures or practical skills sessions.

 Academic records 

We keep details of your academic achievements to enable us to monitor your progress while working towards your degree. We need this record of achievements so that the University College of Osteopathy can award you with the correct degree.

 We keep these records stored on CICM’s secure server so that we can provide you with evidence in the future, should you request it.

 We keep scanned copies of your submitted work/exam papers on our secure server. These will be kept on CICM’s secure server and deleted 18 months from the date of the relevant Assessment Board, in line with CICM policy. This allows for reference back to scripts if required and includes allowance for an appeal to be lodged. All hard copy assignments will be returned to you with comment, we will keep electronic copies on our secure server.

 This information will only be shared in the pursuit of our core business, namely educating in Chinese Medicine. It will be shared with our staff/tutors in the pursuit of our legitimate interest, namely educating in Chinese Medicine.

There may be a requirement to share with University College of Osteopathy as part of their review process.


 We keep email correspondence for 2 years post graduation or from formal withdrawal from the course and they are then deleted from our server. This is to ensure that we have an audit trail of all correspondences between you and CICM staff should it be required.

 If you defer, we will keep all correspondence for 2 years after the last day that you are eligible to re start the course as designated by the validating body.

 Your correspondence will only be shared with staff working on behalf of CICM as necessary – for example CICM tutors or our IT provider.


Your information is stored on our secure server which is maintained by Tri Computers. We keep records of your personal data on a Filemaker Pro Database on our secure server also for the purposes of contacting you as necessary.

We also keep records of any sensitive data on FileMaker Pro database, allowing all staff to be aware of your individual requirements, and HESA reporting to take place.

 Paper records will be kept in a locked cabinet at the CICM office to which only authorized staff have access. It will not leave our premises. We will delete the hard copy of all the above personal information 6 months after you graduate.

As a graduate, you may withdraw your consent of us holding your data or receiving correspondence at any time – please email and request that you are removed from our mailing list.

You also have the right to request that your information is deleted. please email and request that your personal data is removed from our database. We cannot fulfil our teaching obligations to current students without this information, therefore no such request can be obligated.

You have the right to see what personal data of yours we hold, and you can also ask us to correct any factual errors. We are legally required to respond to any reasonable request from a client to see their personal data within a timescale of 30 days. However, we would ensure that we responded as soon as we possibly could to any reasonable request for access to personal records.

If you feel that we are mishandling your personal data in some way, you have the right to complain. Please first raise your concern with us, by contacting as we hope very much we will be able deal with any concerns you might have. However, you can also raise a concern directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office on 

Review date: 2022


The college provides ICT equipment for use by CICM students including:

  • desktop computers with business software/internet access
  • scanning equipment
  • printers
  • photocopier

 This equipment offers access to a vast amount of information and resources for use in your studies, acting as an enormous extension to the college library and offering great potential to support the College’s learning programmes.

The computers are provided and maintained for the benefit of all students, who are encouraged to use and enjoy these resources responsibly, and ensure they remain available to all. Please remember that access is specifically for the purposes of learning in the context described above and that inappropriate use may result in that resource being withdrawn.

Full policy

Equipment: Basic Housekeeping

Please remember you are only allowed food in the bistro.  Food is not permitted anywhere else in the college. Please do not eat or drink (including water) in the computer room.

 Please treat the information technology equipment provided with respect. Please do not damage, disble or otherwise harm the operation of computers or waste resources. If you do accidentally damage any ICT equipment, please report it to the reception desk as soon as it happens. This is to ensure:

  • your health and safety and that of others who use and visit the college premises,
  • effective compliance with current government health and safety regulations 
  • that maintenance can be done as soon as possible on the computer / equipment
  • concerned, resulting in the minimum amount of downtime for the equipment

 Never aempt to mend the equipment yourself, even if you believe you can do so.

Files: Computer Housekeeping

The computers provided are for academic use by any and all students who wish to do so, but none of them is your own personal machine, so please don’t save your own personal documents on to the computer. This includes coursework assignments, CVs, job applications and personal research, which you have done or are in the process of completing.

 Further to this, when you are recording clinical observations, preparing coursework concerning diagnosis or in clinical year, when treating patients, files containing personal details and health and treatment records should never be left on an unattended machine or saved on to the hard disk drive of the IT Room computers. Always close files and save only on to your own electronic media before leaving the computer. This is to ensure that we are all fully compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulations in accordance with our Student and Clinical Patient Privacy Policies on our website and VLE.

 Always ensure any printed material containing any patient details is appropriately and securely filed or securely destroyed. No such paper materials should be left in open waste paper baskets or lying around on printers or on top of desk anywhere in the college.

Any documents which are left on the hard disk drive of the computer will be removed on a regular basis. You will not be able to rely on your work being there next time you use the computer. Please use your own electronic media such as USB stick/OneDrive to save your own work.

 If you do save documents on to the hard disk drive, any work you have produced will be open to being copied by others. With regard to coursework assignments, this could result in plagiarism with consequences for you as well as the person copying your work. 

Computer Housekeeping

  • For educational and business reasons, CICM uses standardised professional software:
  • Our word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software is from the Microsoft Office suite for Windows
  • We use Adobe Acrobat pdf format very frequently especially on our college handouts where version control is very important
  • Our operating system is currently Windows 10
  • We do not use Macintosh or other operating platforms

 When coursework is prepared for submission in electronic format, it should be saved with our standardised software in mind; for example, please use Microsoft Word or an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for submitting coursework.

 Please do not install, attempt to install or store software programs of any type on the computers. This includes screen savers, games, video clips, audio clips, *.exe files.

 The computers may not be used for commercial purposes, e.g. buying or selling goods either privately or on commercial sites such as Ebay.

 The computers are provided with antivirus software. Do not open files brought in on removable media (CDs, flash drives etc.) until they have been checked with antivirus software and have been found to be clean of viruses.

 Do not connect mobile equipment to the network (e.g. laptops, tablet PCs, PDAs etc.) until they have been checked with antivirus software, and been found to be clean of viruses.

 Security and Privacy

The computers provided within the CICM Library have basic security which enables students to log on to local machines and use the computer programmes in completion of their work. They are also able to access the internet for research purposes using their CICM email and password.

 Students should respect, and not attempt to bypass, security in place on the computers or attempt to alter the settings.

 Students should not use the computers in a way that harasses, bullies, harms, offends or insults others or in any way brings into disrepute, the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, its Council, Management Committee, teaching staff, administrative staff or any member of the student body past or present.

 Internet Usage

Please abide by the following usage guidelines:

 Do not access the Internet unless it is for study purposes.

Do not download software on to college computers from the Internet (including screen savers, games, video clips, audio clips, *.exe files).

Do not use the Internet to obtain, download, send, print, display or otherwise transmit or gain access to materials which are unlawful, obscene or abusive. This applies equally to any material of a violent, dangerous, racist, pornographic or inappropriate content.

Respect the work and ownership rights of people outside the college, as well as other students or staff.  This includes abiding by copyright laws at all times.

When using college computers should not engage in ‘chat’ or social networking activities over the Internet. This takes up valuable resources which could be used by others to benefit their studies.


The VLE is a Web-based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) maintained by UCO and available for students at CICM. It contains a wealth of materials to assist you during your time studying at college. Materials placed on this learning management system may include module guides, lecture notes, Powerpoints, other learning resources, policies, timetable and announcements etc..

 Whilst studying at CICM, students receive a user name and password that will enable access to this resource and early on during their first weeks at college receive training on the use of the VLE.


You will be issued with a CICM email account which will be the email the College will use to communicate with you. It is responsibility to check you CICM emails on a frequent basis. When using email, students are reminded that they are to behave in a professional manner at all times. They should be polite and appreciate that other users might have different views from their own. 

 The use of strong language, swearing or aggressive behaviour is not permissible. Nor is the sending or receiving of email containing material likely to be considered as unlawful, inappropriate, annoying or offensive. This applies to any material invades another person’s privacy. Should you receive such messages, from inside or outside the CICM community, you should report them to the Joint Principal immediately.

 Students should never open attachments to emails unless they come from a source already known and trusted. Such attachments could contain viruses or other programs which would destroy all the information and software on the computer.  

 Remote Teaching

 Theory lessons are taught on Zoom.  It is preferable that students switch on cameras when being taught and switch off microphones to avoid disruptive background noise.

 Zoom lessons are recorded and uploaded to the TEAMS within one week of the lesson.  Usually, recorded lessons will only be available to that particular class, but there may be exceptional circumstances when the recording is made available to another class or an individual not in that class.  The lesson recording will never be made available to anyone outside of college.

 Where possible recordings will be made of the speaker and the shared screen.  It is inevitable that recordings will therefore be made if Zoom detects a noise from a student – for example if they ask a question.  Consequently, within Zoom recordings, students’ images and audio will also be recorded and uploaded to TEAMS.  All lessons will be stored for the duration of the course and will be deleted once a cohort graduates.  Lessons may be deleted sooner should storage space not be available. Classes will be informed of this should it be necessary.

 Occasionally, segments of lessons may be used for marketing purposes.  No student’s image from these recordings will be used without their expressed consent.

 Photocopying and Copyright

Photocopying facilities are provided at a small cost in the computing room next to the library so that students may copy small amounts of text from library books as they research topics for assignments or in gain of personal knowledge when reading around topics. 

 You must comply at all times with the regulations displayed concerning the copyright of materials. If you are in any doubt whatsoever about this, please ask the librarian if present or contact them using for guidance.

 A small honesty box is provided for students to use when they photocopy materials. Its use is currently based on trust. Please use the box and pay the small fee requested for the use of the photocopier. If students fail to pay this fee, then eventually photocopying facilities may need to be withdrawn.

 Reporting Faults: Maintenance: Requests/suggestions for equipment or software

We outsource the maintenance of our computers and photocopiers and they are not on site. Students should plan their work carefully so that they do not rely on last-minute use of the computer equipment or photocopiers at college in order to meet their college hand-in deadlines. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the equipment is always working when needed, it cannot be guaranteed.

 If you need to report an accident, fault or request maintenance or make a suggestion concerning the information technology equipment hardware or software, then please notify reception.

 Please be aware that whilst the ICT Team are not there primarily to police the use of the computers, they will monitor usage of the ICT equipment and report inappropriate behaviour to the Joint Principal.

 If any student violates these provisions, access to the ICT equipment will be denied and the student will be subject to disciplinary action. Additional action may be taken by the college. For serious violations, suspension or expulsion may be imposed. Where appropriate, police may be involved or other legal action taken.

 Please click ‘approve’ to agree to abide by the provisions contained herein.